Motorcycle Touring Club Europe |
Welcome to the MTCE homepage!
The MTCE is a community of motorbike riders spread of the whole of Europe (and beyond). We love touring biking to meet friends and learn about other countries and cultures.
We are neither related to any brand nor is there any political, religious, commercial, or other background except the passion for motorcycling.
Our main platform is the MTCE Forum. Have a look and join in!
Planning for 2025:
The planning for 2025 meetings is in full swing now. Ideas are welcome as well as volunteers. Login on the forum and get involved.
MTCE Summer Meeting 2025: UK SouthWest
The southwestern corner of England is a hot favourite for a meeting in June 2025.
Refer to the
the meeting page on the forum and take part in the discussion.
MTCE Summer Meeting 2024: Sweden
There was a meeting in the middle of Sweden from August 13th to August 21st, 2024.
For more information and links to photos refer to
the meeting page on the forum.
MTCE Spring Meeting 2024: Austria
Some members met close to Lake Konstanz (Bodensee)for touring in the Austrian Alps from Sunday, May 5th to Saturday, May 11th.
Refer to the meeting thread on the forum for more information.
MTCE Tour 2023: The Balkans
The grand Balkans Tour 2023 took place from May 14th to May 23rd.
Refer to the tour page for more information.
Refer also to the meeting pages on the forum.